This an extension of Reference Configuration. This page will highlight a subset of the properties as well as all non-default values. Please use the reference page for further details.
Property | Default | Description |
---|---|---| | | A list of contact point ips and ports. If providing in properties file |
casquatch.basic.session-keyspace | Keyspace for the connection | |
casquatch.basic.load-balancing-policy.local-datacenter | local datacenter for connect | |
casquatch.advanced.auth-provider.username | cassandra | Username for connection |
casquatch.advanced.auth-provider.password | cassandra | Password for connection |
Property | Default | Description |
casquatch.failover-policy.class | DefaultFailoverPolicy | Provides a failover policy to fail to a second profile. |
casquatch.failover-policy.profile | Name of profile to failover to in the vent of failure |
See Failover Policy for more information
Property | Default | Description |
casquatch.query-options.allow-non-primary-keys | false | Default to disallow queries with non primary keys. |
casquatch.query-options.null-saving-strategy | DO_NOT_SET | Default of whether to persist nulls |
casquatch.query-options.limit | 10 | Default row limit when doing a getAll |
casquatch.query-options.profile | Default execution profile | |
casquatch.solr-query-options.allow-non-primary-keys | true | Default to allow queries with non primary keys. |
casquatch.solr-query-options.null-saving-strategy | DO_NOT_SET | Default of whether to persist nulls |
casquatch.solr-query-options.limit | 10 | Default row limit when doing a getAll |
casquatch.solr-query-options.profile | Default execution profile |
See Query Options for more information
Property | Default | Description |
casquatch.basic.request.timeout | 500 milliseconds | Set the request time out duration |
casquatch.basic.request.consistency | LOCAL_QUORUM | Default consistency level for queries | | Default page size | |
casquatch.basic.load-balancing-policy.class | Class to provide a custom load balancer policy | |
casquatch.basic.load-balancing-policy.filter.class | Class to provide a custom filtering policy | |
casquatch.max-requests-per-connection | 1024 | Maximum number of requests per connection |
casquatch.advanced.connection.init-query-timeout | 12000 | How long to wait for a heartbeat |
casquatch.advanced.connection.pool.local.size | 3 | Size of the local connection pool |
casquatch.advanced.reconnect-on-init | true | Attempt reconnect if all contact points are unavailable |
casquatch.advanced.reconnection-policy.class | ExponentialReconnectionPolicy | Reconnection policy to use |
casquatch.advanced.reconnection-policy.base-delay | 500 milliseconds | Delay between reconnections |
casquatch.advanced.reconnection-policy.max-delay | 300 seconds | Maximum delay |
casquatch.advanced.retry-policy.class | DefaultRetryPolicy | Reconnection policy to use |
casquatch.advanced.speculative-execution-policy.class | ConstantSpeculativeExecutionPolicy | Speculative execution policy to use |
casquatch.advanced.speculative-execution-policy.max-executions = 2 | Maximum number of executions | |
casquatch.advanced.speculative-execution-policy.delay = 500 milliseconds | Delay before reexecuting the query | |
casquatch.advanced.auth-provider.class | PlainTextAuthProvider | Authentication provider |
casquatch.ssl-engine-factory.class | DefaultSslEngineFactory | SSL Class |
casquatch.ssl-engine-factory.cipher-suites | [ “TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA”, “TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA” ] | Default cipher suites |
casquatch.ssl-engine-factory.hostname-validation | true | Hostname validation |
casquatch.ssl-engine-factory.truststore-path | Path to truststore | |
casquatch.ssl-engine-factory.truststore-password | Truststore password | |
casquatch.ssl-engine-factory.keystore-path | Path to Keystore | |
casquatch.ssl-engine-factory.keystore-password | Keystore password | |
casquatch.profiles.ddl.basic.request.timeout | 2 seconds | Provides a DDL profile with greater timeout |
To enable debug logging and dump configured properties to the log, please enable the following: com.tmobile.opensource.casquatch.ConfigLoader=DEBUG